Thursday, July 22, 2021

Paranormal and Cleansing: Being Safe When Dealing with the Other Side

As witches, haunters, mediums, and investigators the Paranormal is a part of reality for most of us. Especially witches and mediums as we are regularly connected to the universe around us and that includes those who have crossed to the other side of the veil. 

Whether you are a Paranormal Investigator, Psychic, Medium, or every day person harmful energies or spirits can slip into our lives. Negativity can change our lives so drastically sometimes without us even realizing what the cause may be. Using a sage stick in the home to cleanse the space can help. But what if it doesn't? What if the harmful influence has already attached to you? Then you may need something a bit stronger than a sage stick.

Sacred Mists Bath Salts can help! Salt is believed in almost all religious traditions to cleanse negativity. Also considered to be a powerful cleanser of harmful energies is water, Frankincense, Copal Resin, and White Sage. Lavender flowers are great for helping you relax and find peace in a chaotic situation. So we decided to mix all of these ingredients with a powerful bit of magick to create an amazing way to cleanse these harmful energies or spirits from within and without.

Dragon's Blood Bath Salts are also great for cleansing and protecting from future attachments and influences. These salts are created with Dragon's Blood resins and oils which creates the deep red color!

If you feel like everything is falling apart or things are much harder than would normally be you may be being influence by a negative presence. Draw a nice warm bath and add up to 1/2 a cup of Bath Salts into the water to dissolve. As you relax in the bath you can say a cleansing prayer, visualize the harmful energy leaving your body and dissipating, etc. Enjoy your bath. When you get out dry off with downward motions and visualize any residual harmful energy sluff off.

Cleansings and Blessings to the home are a great way to rid your space of negativity. Our complete Home Cleansing and Blessing Kit contains 1 white 4" chime candle, 4" Smudge Stick, 2" x 2" baggie of sea salt, 2" x 2" baggie of Black salt, 2" x 2" baggie of Frankincense, 4 mil bottle of Olive Oil, and Black Tourmaline Chunk. One of our most popular products it is used by home owners, mediums, paranormal investigation groups, and cast and crew for paranormal shows have raved about this product.

Cleansing candles can help rid your space of harmful energies as well. We carry a few different kinds to choose from.

Sacred Smudge Spell Melts are simple cleansing candles. Place the melter in the center of the house or room you are having issues with, say a cleansing chant or prayer, and allow to melt.  

Meditation Candle is a simple candle spell. Dress the candle and use a meditation or petition paper technique to rid yourself of the unwanted energy.  

Sacred Smoke Votive CandlesSacred Smoke Pillar, and Sacred Smoke Conjure Candle are cleansing candles in 3 different types based on personal preference which can be used to cleanse a home, person, group, etc.


Sacred Smudge Spell Mix is a great herbal blend created with herbs known to banish harmful energies. It is great for using to make Mojo BagsPoppet Kits, and Conjure Oil.

What methods do you use to keep safe when dealing with the paranormal? Is there anything you'd like to see us add to our product line for this purpose?

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Herbal Magick, Spells, Potions, and FREE HERBS!!

Herbal Magick is one of the most popular form of magick practiced today next to candle magick. Herbs are great for using in poppets, mojo bags, dressing candles, potions, tinctures, teas, spices, etc. They are so versatile you can do almost anything with them.

All of our Herbs are organically grown to boost the natural power of your magick. Click the Herb name below to get yours today and start making beautiful (and possibly tasty) magick!

Below is a list of the herbs we carry and their magickal properties as well as a link to choose between various sizes and containers. Clicking the link will give you more information on the use of the herb as well. Each herb choice comes in either 3"x4" baggie, 1 oz. (volume) corked vial, or 4 oz. french square bottle. As an extra BONUS if you purchase 3 of the 3"x4" baggies you get to choose a 4th (lowest price herb) FREE!  Just leave your free herb choice in the notes at checkout.

ANGELICA ROOT: Meditation, Protection, Divination, Exorcism, Healing

BASIL LEAF: Wealth, Calming, Happy Marriage, Banishing Negativity

BAY LEAF: Protection, Psychic Power, Purification, Strength

CALENDULA: Love, Protection, Consecration, Psychic Work

CATNIP: Cat Magic, Love, Beauty, Happiness, Fae Work

CHAMOMILE: Fortune, Justice, Prosperity, Rest

COPAL RESIN: Protection, Cleansing, Love

DANDELION LEAF: Psychic Powers, Calling Spirits

EUCALYPTUS LEAF: Protection and Healing

FIVE FINGER GRASS: Money, Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Sleep

FRANKINCENSE: Protection, Exorcism, Spirituality

GINGER ROOT: Passion, Strength, Boost Spell Work, Success

HIBISCUS: Love, Passion, Psychic, Inspiration, Peace

HYSSOP: Protection, Purification, Cleansing, Spiritual Opening

JASMINE: Love, Money, Visions, Peace

JUNIPER BERRIES: Exorcism, Psychic Power, Cursing or Hexing, and Breaking Curses and Hexes

LAVENDER: Peace, Insomnia, Love, Faerie Magick, Calming

LEMON BALM: Love, Rest, Goddess Invocation, Fulfillment

LEMONGRASS: Healing, Motivation, Psychic Power, Spirit Communication

MARSHMALLOW ROOT: Protection, Calling Spirits, Psychic Power, Aphrodisiac

MEADOWSWEET: Love, Beauty, Soul Mates

MUGWORT: Astral Work, Protection, Psychic Power, Magick Power, Tool Cleansing

NETTLE: Banishing, Break Curses, Protection

ORANGE PEEL: Rewards, Hard work, Prosperity, Success

PATCHOULI LEAF: Love, Money, Divination, Fertility

PENNYROYAL: Strength, Endurance, Protection, Success

PEPPERMINT: Increasing Vibrations, Chakra Magick, Money, Prophetic Dreams, Studying, Spirit Calling

RASPBERRY LEAF: Fidelity, Women's Magick, Spirituality

RED CLOVER: Luck, Love, Happy Marriage, Remove Negativity

ROSE PETALS: Love, Psychic Power, Passion, Beauty

RED SANDALWOOD: Protection, Healing, Exorcism

ROSEMARY: Protection, Purification, Healing, Memory Boost, Studying

SAGE LEAF: Cleansing, Protection, Purification, Money, Prosperity, Wisdom

ST. JOHNS WORT: Midsummer, Exorcism, Women's Mysteries, Purification

STAR ANISE: Psychic Power, Luck, Consecration

VERVAIN: Wishes, Love, Protection, Peace, Wealth

WHITE OAK BARK: Portals, Centering, Hex Breaking, Protection

WHITE SAGE: Cleansing, Protection, Banishing

YARROW: Love, Happy Marriage, Psychic Power