Saturday, April 17, 2021

Convos with Kids: Flashback

Today is a FLASHBACK post from when the kids were younger. I used to keep track of the odd shit they would say and blog about it on Fridays. These are all I have left of them. The kids were between 10-14 when these conversations took place. Mother of the year ya'll!

I had a song stuck in my head and while making dinner I said one line really loudly with feeling!
   Lance: hahahahaha. Well that just came out of nowhere.
   Me: Nuh uh! It came out of my mouth.


Draven talking about his own seat on the bus
   Me: u don't want to sit by yourself
   Draven: I rather sit next to myself


Draven had his birthday party at a paranormal location in middle school. Kids not listening to instructions for ghost hunt
   Me: it's all Fun and games until someone loses their soul!


Draven: No thank you!
Me: What?
Draven: that woman has 4 kids. Two sets of twins. That means half of them look alike!


Connor: does Chase have a job?
Draven: he's 11 where would he work?
Connor: the slave trade?


Draven to Connor: thanks a lot, Douche!
Connor: I'm not an Italian actress!!

WTF?!?! Not sure what that was about


Lance asked me to move and then to move again.
   Me: what the fuck, fucker!?!!
   Draven: wow mom. Great vocabulary.
   Me: it's all I got left with three teenage boys.


Draven: My roach trap would be a square you plug into the wall and when a roach comes into view it's fried at by a high power laser beam.

Me: lasers? Really?


Told Connor to CLEAN up pee pee with mop bucket and rag.
   Connor: Eeewww. I got a bucket full of pee.
   Me: why do you have a bucket full of pee, Connor?
   Connor: cuz you told me to get one.


Mark: A person can die of stupid.

Draven: Oh no! Connor could go at any minute!!


Draven had a report to do on Thomas Jefferson so he wanted Connor to let him turn in the one he did the previous year in that class.
   Mark: no Draven you have to do your own work. They'll know you copied it if its the same as Connors was.
   Draven: nuh uh. Of course it would be the same. It's the same president.


Kids are being loud in the kitchen while I’m trying to write a research paper.
   Me: If you guys don’t’ stop yelling while I’m writing this paper I will cut your tongues out and staple them to your foreheads!!
   Draven: Hey Connor soon you WILL be able to lick your eyeball!! (c0nnor is autistic and has never understood why he can't lick his own eyeball)

Connor: I am -12 years old so I don't exist. 

Me: if you don't exist I can't talk to you. 
Connor: why not? 
Me: I'm Prejudice against people who don't exist. They are nothing to me. 
Lance: Wow mom!


Connor: wine tastes bad to the sober tongue 

Me: my tongue likes it and I'm sober. But if it would make you feel better I can go smoke some pot and then enjoy my wine. 

Draven: I think it'll make everyone feel better. 

Me: O.O


Draven: mom I burned a bully at school today. 

Me: oh yeah. How?

Draven: he told me "ladies first" before I walked through the door so I bowed and waved him through the door and said "by all means"


I came down the stairs one day when Draven was playing Playstation with his friends on mic. 
   Draven: I gotta turn off my mic. My mom is here and her mouth isn't kids friendly. 
   Me: What in the FUCK did you just say about me boi?!?! I am the most kid friendly mother fucker in this place. (flipped him off when I walked out. He laughed for 5 minutes straight)


Lance: you're a crack whore



Draven: in my government the head of the senate has 2 things. The power to break ties in the senate and a motive to kill the president. If the president dies he gets it all. 

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